A little holiday philosophy from AFH’s Rich Frank

While that little blue box from Tiffany sends chills, a bite of the Apple sparks a sudden rise in blood pressure, heck, even the red glow of the Target bulls-eye elicits grins in many circles (excuse the pun), none of these fleeting pleasures lifts us to our highest human condition like buying something beautiful, original, and cool – and supporting the greatest youth arts organization in Boston while you’re at it!
At AFH, we’re attentive to our collective calling for higher consciousness. The urge to do well by doing right. The need to incorporate a heightened aesthetic, gobs of diverse cultural influences, fresh and pulsing art-energy into our lives. Yes, you can have it all- and fantastic food, great conversation, a couple of hours in the neatest building in town, and no pangs of shopping guilt – all in one fun Holiday market experience.
We’re here for you, friends. Let’s self-actualize together. At reasonable prices.
See you on Monday at For the Love of Art. Bring your inner Maslow. Mastercard and Visa gratefully accepted.
* Brooker, “The Self- Actualizing Socially Conscious Consumer”. Journal of Consumer Research, 1976.
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