Thursday, January 17, 2013


Photo mentor Mary Nguyen gets carried away by her photo teens!

President Obama has declared January as National Mentoring Month! And today, January 17, 2013 is “Thank Your Mentor Day!” 

Here is what AFH teen artists say about their mentors:

I appreciate how much AFH has helped me to become a better artist. I also really appreciate the advice given to me from my mentors, without a doubt this advice has helped me to become a better artist. – Ryann Lynksy

Painting by AFH teen-painter Ryann Lynsky.

"AFH's amazing mentors really take their time to help us as well as improve our skill as a whole". – Wilton Tejada 

AFH teen-painter, Wilton Tejada works on his newest piece.

Everyone connected to AFH knows the value of mentorship.  The dedication, passion, skills, and guidance of our 22 mentors and seven volunteer tutors is a hallmark of our success as we enter our third decade! Thanks to our talented mentors and volunteers. we are able to employ and teach invaluable entrepreneurial skills to over 300 of Boston's under resourced teens annually.
Painter mentor Geo Ortega and his teens!

Take time out to give all our AFH mentors a high -five and keep AFH bookmarked to see the latest  projects created by AFH mentors and their teen apprentices.  

For more about Ryann Lynsky, check out her interview here!

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