Monday, December 14, 2009

Merida Rug design talk with winner Alland Torchon

Alland Torchon
Time at Artists For Humanity : One year

What studios have you worked in? Painting and Graphics

Dream Job: Graphic designer, graphic novelist, game designer, musician, movie writer/director.

What were the major influences on your winning designs?
I had no idea what my rug design would look like until my mentor Claudia told us about the chain of life and using the bumble bee as an example. The bumble bee plays its role and is an important link in the chain to sustaining life. I thought to my self, the bee is quite small, so i began to think about other small yet crucial pieces that would sustain our existence. It was only a matter of time until i came across microscopic life forms.

How did you feel when you heard that your designs were winners in the competition? I was surprised and elated when i discovered my design was a winner. Although I knew Kelsey and Massiel would win i didn't think would stand among them, but I'm glad things turned out the way they did.

What will you do with the rug when it is produced?

I will keep my rug in my room, not as a piece of furniture but as a trophy of accomplishment.

What do you want to do next?
I will continue with my art and pursuit of knowledge.

Above are Alland's three design entries for the Merida Contest. One will be made into a rug.

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